(770) 495-7300 hello@namar.org
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NAMAR School Policy

NAMAR Notice to Students

Policy for Classroom Courses

The Northeast Atlanta Metro Association of Realtors® (NAMAR) thanks you for your interest in our School for your real estate educational needs. We appreciate your business and will do everything possible to earn the confidence you have shown in choosing our School. This notice covers various items, many of which may be very helpful in your moving through a course in an effective manner, in retaining the subject matter of the course, and in performing to your utmost potential on any required examinations.

School Approval

NAMAR is approved by the Georgia Real Estate Commission to offer real estate continuing education courses. The Real Estate Commission Code for the School is 900143.

Instructors/Class requirements

Most classes at NAMAR meet requirements established by the Georgia Real Estate Commission for instructors of real estate courses. Non-Continuing Education (CE) courses do not have to meet the Commission requirements.

Attendance Policy

The Commission requires each student to attend a specific number of instructional hours for each Continuing Education course. In order to receive credit for a course, a student must be on time and present for each hour of instruction. Class breaks and meal breaks do not count as part of the instructional hours in any classroom course. Each instructor will start and end class on time for each in-class session. Non-Continuing Education courses do not have to meet the attendance requirements.

Student Sign-In (CE courses)

Unless instructed otherwise by the instructor, the school requires each student to sign in at the beginning of each session of a CE course. The instructor will have a class roster for each session. Once class has begun, the instructor will circle the names of any students who have not signed in for the start of the class session. If you arrive late, you must sign in next to your circled name and place the time of your arrival next to your name. There is a clock in each classroom. If you must leave early from a course, you must note the time you leave on each sign-in sheet. The instructor in each session returns the sign-in roster to our administrative offices. A course administrator will track your attendance by the minute. While it is your responsibility to keep track of your attendance, our staff will do their best to inform you of any make-up instruction required.

Weather, Traffic and Class Cancellations

When bad weather threatens, there is always uncertainty about how severe the weather conditions will be and whether or not classes will be held. The school director and administration will determine if class will be held based on weather conditions existing several hours before the class is scheduled to begin. Please note that the closing of public or private elementary or secondary schools does not mean that we will not have classes. Those schools cancel or postpone classes based on mass transportation concerns or because of problems with their facilities. We usually conduct classes if our instructor is able to travel safely to our classroom site.

In the event that the school cancels a particular class session, our staff will make reasonable efforts to reach students by phone. If you do not receive a call from a staff member, you should assume that the school is holding class.

Your personal safety in traveling to our classroom sites is very important to us. For that reason, we want you to make your own decision regarding travel to a class when you have concerns about the weather.

There may be cases in which an instructor is unable to arrive at a classroom site by the time the CE class session is scheduled to begin. If an instructor has not arrived at a classroom site by the scheduled start time, please wait for thirty (30) minutes. If an instructor has not arrived by 30 minutes past the scheduled start time, you may assume that there is some emergency or situation that has caused the delay, and that the class session will not be held. The school will schedule an alternative class session at no charge to you and notify you of that schedule as soon as possible, usually at the next class session. Students arriving for a morning session of an all-day class should contact the school as soon as possible when the instructor does not arrive within 30 minutes of the morning start time to confirm that an afternoon session of the course will be conducted.
In the event that NAMAR cancels a CE class session due to weather or other emergencies, the school will arrange a make-up session as soon as possible at no charge to our students.

Homework, Quizzes and Assignments

The instructor for each CE course will explain any out-of-class requirements for the course and the procedures for receiving credit for those requirements. Most continuing education courses usually will not include any out-of-class assignments or final examinations.

Refund Policy

Once a student receives materials and/or attends a class session, NAMAR will offer no refunds. Any student who has a returned check due to insufficient funds or a closed account will be assessed the applicable bank charge.

Courtesy in the Classroom

NAMAR will make every effort to ensure that the materials and classroom instruction you receive in CE courses are of the highest quality. You as a student have a responsibility to ensure that the learning experience in the classroom is good for you and other students. NAMAR requires that you observe the following in order to facilitate “good citizenship” among all students in the classroom:
1. Be on time for all class sessions.
2. Do not leave early from any class session.
3. Sign the attendance roster at the beginning of class, after scheduled breaks, and after lunch. Indicate the time you arrived if you arrive late for class.
4. Ask questions related to the course material. Your instructor will determine which questions are pertinent to that day’s material and will be happy to answer other questions at breaks or after class.
5. Allow others to listen to the instructor by not talking to other students during a class session. Our instructors have the authority to dismiss a student from a class session if the student is repeatedly disruptive or talking during the class.
6. Place all cell phones, beepers, or other communication devices in an “off” or “silent” mode. Do not check messages during a class session. If you inadvertently leave a phone on and it rings, turn it off immediately. You will have time at breaks or mealtimes to return calls.
7. When leaving your place to visit the restroom during class, please do so quietly and return to your seat as soon as possible. Do not use cell phones or other communication devices in the bathrooms or bathroom area.
8. Keep your place in the classroom tidy by cleaning up any tissues, drinks or other materials when you leave the class session.

Course Certification

Upon completion of a real estate continuing education course, the school submits an electronic record directly to the Commission. The school will provide printed certificates for some courses.

Credit for Duplicate Courses

The Commission regulations state that a real estate licensee who has successfully completed an approved continuing education course to meet any part of the continuing education requirement may not repeat that course for credit unless one full year has passed since the completion of the course.


NAMAR will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, familial or handicap status in the establishment of fees, entrance qualifications or standards for successful completion of any course.

Prohibition of Recruiting

The Georgia Real Estate Commission prohibits recruiting for employment opportunities for any real estate brokerage firm in courses offered by any approved school. Report promptly any effort to recruit by anyone including a fellow student by calling (770) 495-7300, or to the Georgia Real Estate Commission at (404) 656-3916.